What do you hope the last two movies will do?
By Erika
As we draw closer to the end of the book series, there is much speculation about how fans will treat the final two films in the HP series.
If something should happen to Harry, how will fans react? Will they want to see the next two films, or not?
I would probably need a little recovery time, should Harry meet his maker, before I was able to view the films again. But I could probably swallow watching the last two movie adaptations if they stuck to a few cardinal rules:
1.) Keep up the improved style: So long as the quality of the films keeps getting better, I'll definitely go and see them.
2.) Keep the character depth! Probably most important for me, especially for Half-Blood Prince, which was my least favorite of the books, is to keep certain characters true to form. In particular, I want to see Tom Felton act out a complicated, dramatic Draco, and Alan Rickman get his time to shine evilly as the questionable Professor Snape.
3.) Keep the humor: If Harry dies, one thing that will help alleviate some of the problems will be the humor. There isn't much humor to the stories at this point, especially with Order of the Phoenix, so I hope that the can entertain us with the more soapy parts of Prince, and hopefully Deathly Hallows.
4.) Keep the darkness: At the same time, though humor is necessary, I also want that gritty, realistic nature to shine through the films. Keep the directors who want the films to go adult, because that's where the book series has gone. I will not be pleased if a director known for Ôlighter' fare is chosen to helm the last two films.
5.) Keep true to the story: If rumors are true, then OOTP is the most closely adapted of the films to the book. This will be more important as the story draws to an end. I would love to see three film versions that keep the most important elements of the last two books, and don't add in extraneous material.
6.) Keep the spirit: With the cast, crew and fans so invested, and the movies delivering beautifully so far, this shouldn't be a problem. JK Rowling has approved every Potter to date that's hit the Silver Screen, and I don't see why she shouldn't feel the same about the rest of the film adaptations. But just in case someone isn't listeningÑkeep up the good work. We love these films because they do such a good job of staying true to the story, and whether we want to see the end of Harry, or have to drag ourselves to do so, we'll make it in the end, just to see how fantastic the story appears in live action.
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