Harry on Harry
How our own Mr. Potter sees himself on the big screen.

With all the buzz surrounding the new Harry Potter picture, one can only wonder what the real subject of the story, the wizarding world’s own “Boy Who Lived” feels about the publicity and attention he’s getting in the Muggle press. One of our Quibbler editors sat down with Harry to discuss what its like to become as famous in the Muggle world as in the Wizarding world.

TQ: Thank you for joining us, Mr. Potter. You, of course, were raised in the Muggle world for quite a few years before you joined the wizarding world. So you must know about muggle things like motion pictures, is that true?

Harry Potter: Yes, I actually rather enjoyed movies and the lot. I still go to see them on occasion.

TQ: And this film—the adaptation of your third year at Hogwarts. Have you seen it?

HP: Yes, I have.

TQ: And what did you think?

HP: I thought it was fairly brilliant. Quite different from how it happened, in some parts, but a beautiful film. The new director is brilliant.

TQ: The same actor has played you for three movies now. Are you pleased with his performance?

HP: Very much, particularly in this film. He did very well.

TQ: Have you ever met…er, Mr. Radcliffe, I believe is his name?

HP: Actually, I’ve met him twice. Of course, he wouldn’t remember that, because he had to have his memory modified both times. But I spoke to him a little about how I was feeling during some of the parts, to help him with his emoting, and that much he was allowed to keep, though, of course, he believes he thought of it himself.

TQ: Have you met any other cast members?

HP: The fellow who played Dumbledore, and a few others. Most didn’t know it was me. But there is one actor who is allowed to know about the wizarding world and not have his memory modified.

TQ: Who would that be?

HP: I’m afraid I can’t say. But his performance speaks for itself!

TQ: How about your friends? Have they met “themselves?”

HP: Ron’s a bit shy, and doesn’t really want to cause another to have their memory modified. I’m afraid it happened quite a bit the first go ‘round, and with Ron having to do the memory modifications himself—well, that’s why the poor actor who plays him looks tired quite a bit. Hermione gets along famously with her actress, and they actually have very similar personalities right now—its rather scary, at times. Of course, Hermione can modify memories perfectly. But I do think she’s a bit jealous, I’ve heard her mumbling something about the girl’s hair from time to time, and she keeps suggesting that they “fluff it out” a bit more.

TQ: This movie is much darker, and yet more vivid, than the first two. Anything you particularly like about this film?

HP: I thought the Dementors were spot on—its hard to imagine what they’re like, but the director comes pretty close. I really enjoyed the time turner sequence, they got that quite right too—and I only wish I’d been as adventuresome as Daniel! He gets to fly around on the Whomping Willow and ride Buckbeak across the lake; I never did that!

TQ: Anything you wished they’d included that they left out?

HP: The Quidditch Cup championship. Its hard to describe to anyone who’s not experienced it, but that was one of the best experiences of my life. Not only did I get to win the cup for Gryffindor, but I beat Malfoy to do it! Oh, and the Marauders. In tribute to my dad, Professor Lupin…and…Sirius… I wish they’d explained that Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs were actually Professor Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius and my Dad. It would have explained my Patronus a bit better.

TQ: Anything they created that you thought was an interesting addition?

HP: Hmmm…that bit about Snape protecting us was an interesting addition. Of course, he NEVER did that in the real story, the git. Oh…and the chase scene with the werewolf was really interesting. In my version, he ran towards us, but we moved out of the way and that’s all we saw of him.

TQ: Young Mr. Radcliffe doesn’t look much like you. Does that bother you?

HP: Not really. They finally got his hair to stick up, though, which was a good thing. And I kind of wish they’d given him green eyes, since it reminds me of my mum. But his eyes are nice, I suppose, so they’ll just have to makes hers blue in the film, too. And he certainly seems to have quite a few muggle girls admiring him!

TQ: Ron and Hermione seem to be developing an interest in one another in this film…was that reflective of how they feel about each other in real life?

HP: Ron…and Hermione?

TQ: Yes…perhaps a teenage romance in the mix?

HP: Romance? Between Ron and Hermione? But they’re always…fighting…wait a moment…is that what…

TQ: Uh, we’ll move on. Some characters were left out of the story, such as Cho Chang. Were they a significant loss?

HP: Heh. Cho wasn’t. Cedric was, though, I wish they’d put him in.

TQ: What was your favorite line in the movie.?

HP: I really rather liked the line Dumbledore says about dreaming, but my favorite has to be what Sirius says to Daniel at the end of the movie, about loved ones never really leaving you...

TQ: Uh...are you alright?

HP: I'm...I'm fine.

TQ: So...then. How about a least favorite line?

HP: The business about living in the country with Sirius. Why in the world would I have said that?

TQ: How about a favorite scene?

HP: I really liked the business with Daniel crying underneath the Invisibility Cloak. I didn’t do that—I probably wouldn’t have heard as much about it from Hermione if I had—but I thought that was really well done. He really looked as angry and upset as I felt when I first thought Sirius was responsible for what happened to my parents.

TQ: Least favorite scene?

HP: Watching Peter Pettigrew get away. Not because it was a bad scene, but because it reminded me of how horrid all of this has turned out. It really is like Daniel says at the end of the movie “none of it made any difference.” In some ways it has, in others, it hasn’t.

TQ: Goblet of Fire is already filming; Daniel and the rest are returning for that. Any expectations?

HP: I understand that many wizards are being consulted for this movie, considering it’s a bit of a larger gamble in terms of stories and such. I know that the core elements will be there, such as the Triwizarding Tournament and such. I just hope they don’t cut out too much. Although, the Dursleys aren’t in this movie, and though some might feel that’s a loss, I personally think its an improvement.

TQ: Overall, have you been pleased with the way Hollywood is telling your story?’

HP: Nothing will be better than Jo’s books; of course, she has the story straight from me and she will always tell it absolutely perfectly. But Hollywood has done a fairly good job right now, and this last version was rather smashing and different compared to the first two. I think they’ve done rather well for making my life entertaining. I just hope that it will continue to be so. I mean, for the muggles Voldemort is nothing more than a fantasy character, but for me and my friends, he is very real.

TQ: So he is to all of us in the wizarding world. Good luck Mr. Potter, in your upcoming Quidditch match, and here’s hoping you have another enjoyable year at Hogwarts.

HP: Here’s hoping I survive another year at Hogwarts!!