Eiko's Review
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Being the procrastinator that I am, I was able to see my fellow TQ-ers' reviews before I even started mine. They have pretty much analyzed director Alfonso Cuaron’s Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban down to the apple that Draco Malfoy eats randomly in the movie. Aren’t they great? They left me nothing to say but I’m going to ramble on nonetheless.

I find it funny that Harry was able to do all those Lumos Maximus spells when he knows that it’s illegal to do magic outside of school. I know, he also blew up his aunt, but that was not intentional. It was especially stupid to break the law on such a trivial thing. He could have just used a flashlight.

But it was still a hilarious and unique way to start the third addition to the Harry Potter film series! I know, I say all these bad things about it, then I say how much I love it. That’s the kind of love-hate relationship Harry Potter fans have with the films: they hate what’s left out and changed, but love what they actually did.

Example: Wasn’t it great when Snape called Hermione an insufferable know-it-all and Ron yelled at him? It was really cute that he stuck up for her even though they were fighting. Too bad it wasn’t in the movie, but I still like Ron making fun of her.

Did Ginny die?

I’m a big supporter of Neville; I always love the underdog. He's really sweet in the movie and he got some funny parts. I loved the fact that they had Neville with the Snape Boggart. That’s one of my favourite scenes in the books and I loved the Monster Book of Monsters going after Neville. Eee! Adorable!

I’d just like to say that I was very angry that Hermione stole Ron’s “You’ll have to kill us all” line. That’s one of his best lines in the books. It shows his loyalty to his friends and that’s a huge part of Ron’s character. Damn Hermione outshining him.

However, Ron had the best line in the whole movie: “I don’t want to tap-dance”! I laughed so hard in the theatre! I swear I heard a few people shushing me. There were a couple stares.

Who was that random Gryffindor kid that had all those lines? He spoke more than most of the characters!

Yes, it was sad that we lost the late Richard Harris’s grandfatherly charm, but I admire Michael Gambon’s slightly mad and amusing manner that he brought to the role of Dumbledore.

After so many of my friends lusting after the book version of Sirius, I was looking forward to a good-looking Sirius. Sadly, I didn’t really get what I wanted.

Pettigrew looked slightly… well, entirely off of what I was imagining. I’m traumatized.

My Colin Firth-like vision of Remus Lupin was suddenly pushed out of my stubborn head once David Thewlis began speaking in the first Dementor scene. He was just so cute with his funny accent and a mustache that I have forced myself to be fond of. But can someone answer me this: Since when has Remus Lupin been in love with Lily Potter? That is never in the books! That made me so angry when Thewlis began lamenting about Lily. But then I forgot why I was so angry because I remembered his sad past and I wanted to give him a big hug.

Speaking of hugs, what was up with the little hug Hermione gave Ron then Harry just decided to join in? I bet you anything that all the Ron/Hermione shippers in the world, me included, were sobbing at that very moment. But it’s not like R/Hr shippers had much to look forward to. It was just a bit of fighting between the two and, if they were (which they weren’t), a few scenes with them in the library researching for Buckbeak’s trial.

But, honestly, were the R/Hr fans expecting anything less? This book and movie, for the most part, was for the Harry/Hermione fans (sadly enough). All the Timeturner scenes (including the infamous “I was so scared” line) from when they put it on until they removed it, the H/Hr fans were jumping with giddiness in their theatre seats.

Even though Philosopher’s Stone was my favourite HP book, I think that Prisoner of Azkaban is my favourite HP movie. My sister liked it so much that she asked me if she could borrow my Harry Potter books. I was so happy that someone else in my family will actually read and enjoy them. She even makes little HP jokes and they’re actually kind of funny.

Problem is: She’s had my Harry Potter books for three weeks now.